![Episode 01: Mother[lands]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6186d6091fe9be0ff36331c3/1639517538005-YMK4O6RP6UV93RHU7A5K/coffee.jpeg)
Episode 01: Mother[lands]
“You know how they say it takes a village? It doesn't take a village now— it take a village then! “
![Episode 02: [other]Mothers](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6186d6091fe9be0ff36331c3/1639517641419-AHZMBNEZW6HZLWHERZ8F/36ebbd975c440ada6056264c4b0bcaed.jpeg)
Episode 02: [other]Mothers
“She took me in. Anytime I’m sad or I’m sick, I always run in her arms; instead of my mother’s arms…”
![Episode 03: Mother[work]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6186d6091fe9be0ff36331c3/1639518582509-AAUJQKGHIE8I0IN725YY/il_1588xN.1480762666_lvri.jpeg)
Episode 03: Mother[work]
“She said, ‘I don’t want that. That’s black toast.’ And that’s how she used to call me. She call me ‘Black Toast’”

Episode 04: Moving on
“It’s a JOB. It’s a job. They say it’s nothing? They say it’s woman-work? It’s a job. And it’s a real job.”

Episode 05: Lost Children
“She know what it is fall down, get a bruised knee, get up, and keep moving.”